
To make a site it takes...

Do you know the song by Sergio Endrigo? In this song it is written: ' make a tree it takes a flower...' But it takes a lot more than that to make a website!

To make a website it takes: time, effort, patience, creativity, knowledge and a lot of work!

If you use my website and like it.... DONATE!

You can give any amount of money! Click on the buttons below to donate and help me grow the site. Because learning together is more beautiful and inspiring!

In this site there are 429 exercises divided by language level and also a lot of online games and grammar exercises, all made by me! That's why I'm asking for a small contribution in exchange for my time.

Why donate?

To make this site, I worked a lot and I made it for people who want to learn my language. There are costs of hosting . , so if you can... donate! Even one euro will help me to maintain the site, pay expenses and create new exercises for you!